August 15, 2010

We're in!!

We're in!  Last week was all about moving.  Now that all the furniture is in and the lockers are in, we are feeling like a junior high.  The teachers are busy opening boxes and decorating their new rooms.  It looks great and we can't believe that we are only one week away from open house --- WOW.

As we get ready for a new year, we like to remember some of the students who will be making a splash in high school.  Of course, we are very proud of the STJ graduates who were valedictiorians --- John and James Strampfer (Trinity) and Ariana Vailas (Central).  What an accomplishment.  Best of luck and best wishes to them and all the class of 2006 as they head to college.

We also wish the best to Cam Boucher (student council president -- Central) and Ryan and Abby Mitchell ( student council president and vice president --- Trinity).   We're sure they will do a great job as all three did a great job at St. Joe's. 

One week to go --- rest up, we have a great year ahead!

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