July 21, 2010

Back from vacation and on the move!

Slowly but surely the faculty and staff are coming back from a couple of weeks of vacation.  Most of the building is packed and it looks like we will be moving sooner than expected!  We will be moving the first week of August, so everyone is finishing up.

It will be great to be in earlier so we can have more time to make all our classrooms pretty.  The rooms have all be painted and they look great.  The office is sage green and I am thrilled.  Everyone will have to come to the open house in August to see!  (More about this to come.)

Mr. Bergeron and I have been hammering out the nuts and bolts items:  schedule, drop off, pick up, sports, lunch program, etc.  Everyone will be getting a letter soon with all these details.

Homeroom letters will be going out in the next couple of weeks.  It will be fun for the students to try and figure out who their homeroom teacher will be since they have no idea who is in what room!  What a mystery..........

Back to work.  Have to finish packing the office so I can go clogging.  Have a good week!

July 01, 2010

The First Balloon Has Fallen!

The first of 13 balloons has finallly come down from the ceiling of the auditorium.  It was nice to revisit the wonderful dinner dance we had that night --- seems like months ago.  350 people enjoying chicken tenders, french fries and pizza and a million other dishes brought by parents.  It was a great night and the start of a new tradition.

Speaking of new traditions, Mr. Powell has finished removing all the name plates from the hundreds of trophies we have here.  We hope to get them organized and put them in a memory box like the beautiful gift the class of 2010 presented to the faculty.  It will be a great puzzle for the class of 2011. 

The class of 2011 will always be very special because they will be the class who will be making all kinds of new traditions.  What a great opportunity for these 8th graders...and the 7th graders will be setting the 2 year bar for all who follow.  What a gift these two classes could pass on to posterity!

We are almost all packed.  Everyone is now going on vacation, but when we get back, the work at St. Anthony and the movers won't be able to move fast enough for us.  When this faculty gets moving, get out of our way ---- we may be mature, but we can still motor with the best of them.

Have a great vacation --- be back soon!